Week 4 (Day 18 - 22)

 Day 18:

Today's post is bought to you by the letter F

Oh boy. Where to start with today, there were lots and lots of F words today. like Farming, Falador, Fishing Trawler, Fishing Contest, and F**K.

Ros had a rather eventful day today, she made Supercompost and used it when planting flowers and Crops and raked Farming patches to get herself to lvl 20 Farming, she then went on to complete the quest ''Jungle Potion'' for lvl 20 Herblore and this mean Ros had finally gained the base 20 stats that she was aiming for! And then she made a series of choices she would later come to regret. She bought a candle from the Candle Maker in Catherby for an Easy Diary task in the Kandarin area, and then she made the ultimate choice...She started the quest ''Rag and Boneman 1'' (she how we say started the quest? Lets call that...Foreshadowing..)

During this quest, all was going well, you just needed to collect some bones from various creatures. Nothing Ros hadn't done before with ease in a different playthrough. So off she went, to speak to the strange old man and then start collecting the various bones he needed. This was all going swimmingly. In fact, it was going so well, Ros only needed to collect one or two more bones. She was struggling to get a drop on the ''Goblin Skull'' she needed so she decided while she was in the Area, she would leave that, and come back to it when she had collected the ''Big Frog'' bone she needed from the swamp caves of Lumbridge....

This is the moment Ros sealed her fate indefinitely. She had thought to herself ''Maybe grab food'' and had decided against it. This was also a mistake..Off she went, to collect the bone. Now, dear blog readers, I am not sure if you're aware of what happens down in the swamp? but there is a reason why you need to buy a ''Spiny Helmet'' and that reason is, BECAUSE EVEN THE WALLS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU.

But fear not, Ros bought the Helmet, and equipped it, well done Ros. 

But what she did not do, was remember there are LIZARDS down in those swamps and they are AGGRESSIVE and POISONOUS! (the jury is also out on if she just went a bit too deep into the caves and could have found the frogs in a much safer area of the cave, but that's not the point here)

As I am sure you have guessed by now, Ros did in fact succumb to the poisoning (not before giving a good fight though) even when poisoned she went for the bone (this was another of her mistakes) and when her hit points had dropped down to 15 she teleported out of there and RAN into Varrock to try save herself, watching her health deplete by the second. Mr Ironman was trying to get to Mrs Ironman with food and an Antipoison, but much like in the tale of Romeo and Juliet, he was just too late to save her stupid ass. Ros watched as the seconds on the poisoning dropped to just 5 seconds left, but her hit points were already at 8. and then just as the poison timer was about to hit 0, Her hit points got there first. Leaving us with nothing more than 1 of 2 lives left, a trip to see Death to claim back what we could, and another F word to add to the list for today. 

Nomadics however, had a wonderful day full of F's and Quests. He managed to complete the Varrock, Falador, and Ardougne Easy diaries. He then went on to play some Fishing Trawler completing the full Angler clothing set for the completion diary and giving himself lvl 52 Fishing, and 34 Construction. He then used the rewards he gained from Fishing to get himself to a solid 56 cooking, and then he went off to Draynor to steal from the Master Farmer for 50 Thieving. after all this running around, he thought he would do it some more and completed the quests ''Plague City'', ''Biohazard'', ''Fishing Contest'', ''Lost Tribe'', ''Observatory Quest'', ''Murder Mystery'' and the Goblin sub quest for ''Recipe for Disaster''. and then after all of that he thought ''That's not enough'' and took off to gain a lvl 16 in Farming too.

With such an eventful day had by us all you'd think there was a great deal of change to the Hi-scores, We managed to climb up a few spots, and were creeping ever closer to the goal of being top 1000 before being crossed off, Ros just has to stay alive long enough for that to happen.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

MrsIronman's Stats.

Mr & Mrs Group Ironman Hi-Score.

Mrs Ironman's Death.

Day 19:

 The day after

Ros decided today was the day to keep things on the safer side of life, dedicating to grinding for the foreseeable haha. So she went to Canifis to train Agility to lvl 50 and managed to gain 2 XP lamps in the process, one from Count Check, and another from the Freaky Forester Pheasant Random Events. She used these on the Herblore skill, and then she received another random event from the Beekeeper, where she gained an item to finish off the Beekeeper outfit collection for the collection log. After hitting lvl 50 Agility, Ros took herself off to Motherlode Mine bringing her up to lvl 63 Mining and Lvl 41 Smithing. 

Nomadics had a bit of a busier day, he used Acorn seeds to start Tree Farming runs to get lvl 23 Farming, he then went on to Wintertodt and completed the Pyromancer set from receiving Boots and managed to get himself to lvl 89 Firemaking. He then collected some Logs and hit lvl 58 Woodcutting and used the Logs to take himself to lvl 58 Fletching. After this, he went to the LMS minigame (Last Man Standing) and got himself 33 points which allowed him to buy Rune Arrows of which he sold them to different shops for gold and received a cape for getting a win in LMS. He finished off the day doing Barbarian Fishing for lvl 38 Strength, lvl 39 Agility and 61 Fishing. 

With all these Level and XP gains it did a fair bit to the Group Ironman Hi-score boosting us by a few hundred spots.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

Mr & Mrs Ironman Hi-Score.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

Day 20:

 Mrs Gracefull & Mr Busy

Nomadics had a really busy day today he climbed many levels and gained a tonne of XP doing so, he started off with some Barbarian Fishing for lvl 40 Strength, 40 Agility and lvl 63 Fishing. He managed to get some Herb farming done to gain enough Harralander to get lvl 30 Herblore.

Nomadics got incredibly lucky too while in Canifis, where he had a shooting star spawn literally in front of him, he received bonus Star Dust for being the first person to find it and received lvl 52 mining from it. He then continued to steal from Master Farmers to gain lvl 52 Thieving and collect some more seeds for Farming. He then went on to complete the quest ''Client of Kourend'' for 2,500 XP and used this on Herblore to reach lvl 30. He then collected the rewards for completing the Lumbridge, Varrock, Fallador and Ardougne easy diaries giving him a totall 10,000 combined XP in lamps. 

He also farmed Zamorackian warriors for a Rune Scimitar at the ZMI Altar and then went back to Wintertodt to get 260 kill count and achieving lvl 90 Firemaking. He then finished his last Herb farming run for the day for lvl 30 Farming and planted some Willow saplings for tomorrow's tree run, He also used up his herbs to reach lvl 37 Herblore and finished the whole day off with 930 in total levels and over 7 million total XP.

Ros didn't do half as much as that, but she did start off at Motherlode Mine, she managed to mine the remaining Gold Nuggets she needed to trade for the last piece of the Prospectors Outfit, this is also an item towards the collection log. Once she had this, she went back to train Agility at Canifis to collect the Marks she needed to get a full 260 Marks of Grace to trade in for a Full Graceful outfit. This outfit helps to regenerate run energy faster when wearing it and makes you much lighter meaning you sustain run energy for longer.

Ros managed to get to lvl 64 Mining and lvl 41 Smithing, and lvl 56 Agility.

With all of this XP and the levels gained, the Hi-scores have whizzed up the table putting them in good standing to hit the target of rank 1000 or above.

Mr & Mrs Ironman Hi-score stats.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

Mr Ironman Star Mining.

Mrs Ironman Prospector Outfit.

Mrs Ironman's Stats.

Mrs Ironman Full Graceful.

Day 21:

 Climing ranks & Grinding Stats

All is pretty quiet on the RuneScape front for our pair at the moment, Nomadics did the most today when he went off on Willow Tree farming runs and gained lvl 34 Farming and then followed it up with Herb runs for lvl 35. He then used the Herbs he had collected to get himself lvl 38 Herblore unlocking Prayer potions.

He stole from fruit Stalls in Hosidius for Cooking Apples to use as payment for Banana Trees which he will farm over the next few days. Stealing those cooking apples however, did bag him a nice lvl 53 Thieving. 
And then for the rest of the day he was mining at Motherlode Mine and managed to bump his Mining lvl up to 56.

Now, Ros had decided she was going to take the grind approach very seriously and is trying to actively avoid ANYTHING that might mean she takes that last life so she has been on her Agility training arc recently, Plus, she is REALLY gunning for that Squirrel pet. She started her Falador Agility today, she didn't get too far with it as Ros wasn't playing too much today, she's been feeling pretty unwell for a few days at this point and is just resting up. (Get well soon Ros!) She did however receive an XP lamp from the Freaky Forrester and put it on Herblore, giving her a lvl 22.

The Hi-score table is still climbing the ranks, it's slower now as it takes much more XP between levels, but we're really closing in on the rank 1000.

Mr & Mrs Ironman Hi-score ranking.

Mrs Ironmans Stats.

Mr Ironmans Stats.

Day 22:

 Another day, another grind

It was another slow day for the pair, focusing pretty heavily on grinding, level climbing and rank upping. Nomadics kicked it all off with more Tree and Farm runs, jumping him from lvl 35 to 40 Farming, he then leveled his Woodcutting and Fletching Skills from 58 to 59 giving him a total lvl of 950. 
And because he can never stay away too long, He went back to Wintertodt, for a whopping 200k XP in Firemaking leaving him with around an hour IRL time left to get to lvl 91 Firemaking. If he doesnt see that Firemaking Phoneix pet soon, Ros might loose all hope in pets. He also managed to bag himself a nice lvl 37 Construction while he was in Wintertodt. 

Ros is still on her Agility skill grind, She is aiming for lvl 60 so that she can gain access to the Sears Village agility course, she managed to hit lvl 59 tonight at Falador so it's not far off for her now. She also received 5 Ruby from the Flippa random event and opened up an emote from the Mime Show Random event. 

The hi-score ranks didnt climb too far today, but they did land on a really satisfying number. 

Mr Ironman Farming lvl 40.

Mr Ironman Construction lvl 37 in Wintertodt.

Mr Ironmans stats.

Mrs Ironman Mime Show Random Event.

Mrs Ironmans Stats.

Mr&Mrs Ironmans Hi-score ranks.

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