Weeks 8 & 9
Happy New Year!
First of all, we would like to wish everyone of our readers a very happy holidays, no matter what you celebrate this time of year and of course, a very Happy New Year! We hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024!
Over the christmas period, Ros and Nomadics become so busy, there really wasn't much time for daily updates, in fact Ros didn't really play at all until the past few days so we figured it would be best to leave it, have the holidays as a bit of a break from it all and start up again once the world was finding normal again.
Nomadics has been SUPER busy over this time though so sit down, grab yourself a nice warm something and buckle in, because OH BOY is this an update and a half for you!
Ok so we have everything written down but rather than separate them into the days, we will give you one big holiday break update as if it was just one day, but remember, this is spread over multiple days, we're not that good haha.
Ros will kick this off, purely because she comes first in the things we have written down, but she did some construction work on her POH (player owned house) getting herself to lvl 39 Construction, and then she went off to steal from fruit stalls, getting herself lvl 44 Thieving, and completed a Mintore slayer task giving her lvl 38 Strength and taking her to 1000 total levels. She then completed the Varrock Easy Diary by getting down to lvl 2 of the Stronghold of Security and making some Earth runes at the Earth Altar. She then received an antique lamp and some Varrock armour for completing the diary. She used the lamp XP on Farming for lvl 34, and ran some laps of Seers Village Agility course for lvl 63 Agility. Smelted ore for Iron and Tin bars and went off to Motherlode mine gaining lvl 46 Smithing and lvl 72 Mining.
Nomadics completed some birdhouse runs for lvl 50 Hunter, he then took himself off to do some herb farming, Tree checking & Seaweed Farming for lvl 55 Farming and completed an easy clue for a staff of Bob the Cat.
Ros then went on to kill some Unicorns for their horns, giving herself lvl 32 Defence, lvl 31 Attack, and used the Unicorn horns to make Antipoison for lvl 30 Herblore. She then fished for Trout and Salmon for lvl 65 Fishing, and trained Ranged for lvl 41. She then went off and pickpocketed the Master Farmer and stole from fruit stalls for lvl 45 Thieving, and chopped trees for lvl 51 Woodcutting. After this she made Steel arrows for lvl 38 Fletching and played some GotR (Guardians of the Rift) for lvl 45 Crafting and trained Slayer for lvl 46, 41 Hitpoints and Combat lvl 44.
Nomadics continued his Birdhouse runs for lvl 53 Hunter, and Farmed Seaweed for lvl 56 Farming, and killed Blue Dragons for Prayer gaining lvl 48 Magic and 49 Hit Points.
Ros went back to training SLayer getting lvl 41 Magic, and completed the Kandarin Easy DIary tasks, among the rewards she gained another Antique lamp, this time putting it on Herblore for lvl 33.
Nomadics completed the quest ''Ghost Ahoy!'' unlocking ectophial for a teleport to Morytania and turned all the Dragon bones from before into bonemeal to gain bonus prayer XP giving himself lvl 44 Prayer.
Ros Harvested Strawberries in the Ardougne farming patch for a Medium diary requirement, the teleported to Falador and pickpocketed a guard as well as chopped a Willow tree and burnt the log all for Medium Falador diary requirements, she then went over to Barbarian Village and completed a lap of the agility course for a Medium Kandarin diary task, and used runes for a Lumbridge Teleport and cut some Willow logs in Daynor for Medium diary tasks there too, she then checked the health of an Oak tree for lvl 35 Farming, and completed pt1 of the quest ''Recipe for Disaster'' and freed the Goblin Generals and the Mountain Dwarf for the start of pt 2.
Nomadics took the time to get some questing done, he managed to complete; ''The Golem'', ''Shadow of the Storm'' for lvl 27 Range as a reward, ''Evil Dave'' Subquest for ''Recipe for Disaster'', ''Elemental Workshop 1 & 2'' for lvl 52 Crafting, and ''Sleeping Giants'' for lvl 48 Smithing. he then used Gold ore to make Gold bars for lvl 49 Smithing, and used the Gold bars to make unstrung Gold Amulets for lvl 53 Crafting. He also cooked the fish he had banked for lvl 60 Cooking and Trained Slayer using Range for lvl 27 Slayer and lvl 34 Range.
Ros played the Fishing Trawler minigame and received the following rewards; Old Boot, Swordfish, Lobster, Broken Arrow, Buttons, pots, & Complete Angler Outfit as well as managing to get lvl 40 Construction during her time there. She then went to Tempoross and managed to complete the combat task ''Dress Like You Mean It'' by defeating Tempoross while wearing the complete Anglers Outfit and reached lvl 66 Fishing. She also managed to complete the combat achievment ''Fire in the hole'' by using all 4 cannons during one game, she managed to receive a collection log item ''Big Harpoon Fish'' in with her rewards too meaning she just needs the Soaked Book, Dragon Harpoon, Spirit Anglers outfit and Tiny Tempor to green log this mini boss.
She then Mined Fallen Stars to gather enough Stardust to trade in and colour her Full Prospectors outfit Gold. and played the Brimhaven Agility course for 20 tickets and crossed off a medium Karamja diary task by gaining the first ticket. She also completed the Mini Quest ''Skippy and the Mogres''.
Nomadics has split the rest of his Holiday gaming updates into categories so we will start with the Hunter category; he completed Birdhouse runs for lvls 53 - 59 Hunter, and caught red Salamanders taking him to lvl 60. He then continued his birdhouse runs and gained lvl 61, and completed the quest ''Eagles Peak'' to unlock box traps. He then caught Grey Chinchompers for lvl 62 Hunter.
Farming; Nomadics farmed Seaweed, Herbs and Snape Grass as often as he could for Crafting and Herblore supplies, and completed Tree and Hardwood Tree runs for bonus XP and gave himself lvl 63 Farming with all of that combined.
Mining; He managed to gain his full prospectors outfit at Motherlode mine and took his lvl to 67 Mining.
Fishing; Nomadics completed 8 rounds at Tempoross for combat achievments and lvl 66 Fishing.
Cooking; Using the fish he got from Tempoross rewards he managed to achieve lvl 62 Cooking.
Construction; gained lvl 48 Construction by repairing masts at Tempoross.
Crafting; Nomadics managed to gain lvl 54 from making Essence at GotR and while there he also managed to get himself lvl 57 Runecrafting too.
Herblore; Nomadics completed the ''Jungle Potion'' quest and used Herbs that he had farmed for lvl 48 Herblore, collected Mort Myre fungi while doing the quest ''Fairytale pt1'' and consumed a Botanical Pie for a temporary boost to his Herblore lvl to use his Aventoe and Mort Myre fungi to make Super Energy Potions giving him lvl 49 Herblore.
Agility; Nomadics managed to complete 850 laps of the Canifis rooftop agility course to get the 260 Mark of Grace he needed for the full Graceful outfit and lvl 59 Agility and then completed a further 60 laps of Falador Agility for lvl 60.
Agility; Nomadics managed to complete 850 laps of the Canifis rooftop agility course to get the 260 Mark of Grace he needed for the full Graceful outfit and lvl 59 Agility and then completed a further 60 laps of Falador Agility for lvl 60.
Smithing; Gained passive XP from fixing the watershed at Motherlode Mine and smelted Gold bars from ore he had gathered there for lvl 50 Smithing.
Slayer; Completed a Werewolf slayer task for lvl 32 Slayer.
Magic; Used high alchemy spell on Rune Arrows and Gold Amulets he had previously obtained for lvl 62 Magic, Started gaining points at the mage training arena from the enchantment room to get the bones to peaches spell needed to do the Graveyard, Telekinetic, and Alchemy Rooms to finish off the points he needed.
Thieving; Nomadics did the Rouges Den mini game for the full rogues outfit to give him double loot on pickpockets and pickpocketed Master Farmers for lvl 55 Thieving, went off to the Knights of Ardougne for lvl 60 and getting himself 100k gold in the process.
Thieving; Nomadics did the Rouges Den mini game for the full rogues outfit to give him double loot on pickpockets and pickpocketed Master Farmers for lvl 55 Thieving, went off to the Knights of Ardougne for lvl 60 and getting himself 100k gold in the process.
Combat Training; Nomadics did some AFK training on Sand Crabs for lvl 50 Attack, lvl 60 Strength, lvl 50 Defence, 57 Hit Points, and lvl 50 Ranged, and managed to finish lvl 50-52 back at his Werewolf Slayer task.
Quests; COmpleted the quest ''Animal Magnetism'' gaining Ava's device for Ranged training, Completed the quest ''Big Chompy Bird Hunting'', ''Fairytale pt 1'' gaining magic secateurs giving him increased yield from Farming Patches, ''Started Fairytale pt 2'' for Fairy ring access, Completed the ''Troll Stronghold'' quest for access to Law Runes when Runecrafting, and freed the Lumbridge guide and Skrach Uglogwee for the ''Recipe for Disaster'' quest.
Quests; COmpleted the quest ''Animal Magnetism'' gaining Ava's device for Ranged training, Completed the quest ''Big Chompy Bird Hunting'', ''Fairytale pt 1'' gaining magic secateurs giving him increased yield from Farming Patches, ''Started Fairytale pt 2'' for Fairy ring access, Completed the ''Troll Stronghold'' quest for access to Law Runes when Runecrafting, and freed the Lumbridge guide and Skrach Uglogwee for the ''Recipe for Disaster'' quest.
Misc; Played the LMS (Last Man Standing) mini game for 80 points for the Magic Shortbow imbued scroll and a Rune Pouch.
And thanks to all of Nomadics hard work over the holidays, we actually managed to complete one of our biggest goals! We managed to cross the 1,000 rank mark! This happened on the 28th December 2023.
We're so happy to have managed to get this far and are really excited to see where we get to before we lose that last life. What a journey its been so far, and we still have so much more to explore and uncover.
That's all for now, as you can see, having that time off left one HUGE update for everyone, but it'll be much more back to normal now, regular updates and things to follow along with.
We're so happy to have managed to get this far and are really excited to see where we get to before we lose that last life. What a journey its been so far, and we still have so much more to explore and uncover.
That's all for now, as you can see, having that time off left one HUGE update for everyone, but it'll be much more back to normal now, regular updates and things to follow along with.
We will leave you with an update of the stats and the rankings, as usual, and we look forward to updating you again tomorrow!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Mr & Mrs Ironman's Ranking.
Mr Ironman Stats.
Mrs Ironman Stats.
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