Week 10

 Chompas, Birds & Fish

A slow news day for Ros today, she did some Birdhouse runs over on Fossil Island, gaining her a lvl 43 Hunter, and while she was waiting on those to be ready she did some tree & Farming runs for lvl 36 Farming and some Tempoross for lvl 67 Fishing, still no sign of that elusive Tome of Water for Ros in the reward pool though. She also caught a boat back to Ardougne from Brimhaven for an Easy Diary task for Karamja.

Nomadics had a day with the Chinchompas, catching Grey ones for lvl 63 Hunter, and Red ones for lvl 64 Hunter, then used the Grey Chinchompas at Temple Spiders for lvl 53 Ranged, and then went on to use some Dragon Bones he had saved up to make Bonemeal for lvl 45 Prayer. 
He then collected some Mort Myre Fungi and used a Botanical Pie to Boost his Herblore to make some Super Energy potions for lvl 50 Herbloreand finished his day AFK training attack at the Sand Crabs for lvl 56 Attack and 58 Hit Points. 

The rankings are looking better then ever at #907 and we're wondering just how far up the Hi-scores we can get with that one life still intact, and who is going to be the one to seal our fate on the Group Hardcore Ironman List.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

Mr & Mrs Ironman's Rank.

Mrs Ironman's Stats.

Another day, another grind

Nomadics continued his AFK attack grind on Sand Crabs today, giving him lvl 60 Attack and allowing him to wield Dragon weaponry, he also got himself 59 Hitpoints giving him a combat lvl of 71. He then stayed with the Sand Crabs and trained his Ranged giving him lvl 54. He then finished up for the day completing an Easy clueand received a Saradomin page 3 which he can use to make a Saradomin god book once he has all 4 pages, and completed Horror from the deep. 

Ros continued her Birdhouse runs on Fossil Island gaining lvl 44 Hunter which allowed her to make Maple Birdhouses increasing her XP gain each time, she also did another round of tree & farm runs, giving her lvl 37 Farming, She used some gold ore she had from Motherlode Mine and smelted it into Gold Bars for lvl 47 Smithing, and gained a lamp from a Genie random event which she used on Herblore to gain lvl 34. She then finished up for the day cooking some of the Swordfish she had received from rewards at Tempoross for lvl 65 Cooking.

All these level ups and XP gains have once again helped boost the rankings, the original goal was to be sub #1,000 so we are both really pleased to see us now sitting sub #900, Still going strong and are now less then 50 pages into the pages list too.

Mr Ironman's Stats.

Mr & Mrs Ironman's Rank.

Mrs Ironman's Stats.


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