End of Week 5 (Day 30)

 Ros finds a new favourite

Ros had a super busy day today she went all over the place and found a new favourite activity, but before we talk about all of that, lets re-wind and start from the top.
Ros started off her day continuing to train some Woodcutting and some Firemaking and while doing so received a birds nest containing an acorn seed, and lvl 47 Firemaking and lvl 45 Woodcutting, she also received 3x beginner clue scroll from birds nests and completed it for 3 caskets taking the stck to 14. She also managed to hit a total lvl of 800. Ros then completed a random even and got herself a Zombie Mask adding to the collection log, and then went and played some Tempoross mini boss and completed 3 easy combat tasks called ''Tempoross Novice'', ''Calm Before The Storm'', and ''Master of Buckets'' alongside this she also managed to complete a Medium task called ''Tempoross Champion''. From the time spent at Tempoross Ros received lots of rewards such as; Lobster, Raw Tuna, Raw Bass, Planks, Soaked Pages (another collection log item), Raw Salmon, Steel Nails, Raw Swordfish, a reward casket containing 19 uncut Saphire, and Spirit Flakes. 
Ros also managed to boost some lvls gaining lvl 53 Fishing, and lvl 47 Cooking, she then went back to Lumbridge to cook all the fish she gained as rewards and cut some gemstones giving her lvl 33 Crafting, she then went back to Tempoross, and got more fish, some feathers, seaweed, planks, and another reward casket which contained 3x Diamond Braceltes. Ros then headed back to Lumbridge one more time to cook the fish she had gained, for lvl 54 Cooking. 

Nomadics had a much quiter day, he completed some Maple Tree runs, unfortunately lost a few of the to disease, but he did get his first Hespori seed from a Maple tree. Managed to reach lvl 48 Farming by harvesting some Watermelon that he had planted, and then went on to do some AFK Woodcutting on Maple Logs for lvl 64 Woodcutting.

All those levels gained are reaslly starting to show on the hi-score rankings, the climb is going really well and the levels are shooting up.

Mr & Mrs Ironman Hi-score ranking.

Mr Ironman End of week 4 (left) End of week 5 (right) stats.

Mrs Ironman End of week 4 (left) End of week 5 (right) stats.


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